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Hey! Hope you're having a great time so far! We're honored to be part of your big day and we want you to
know that every wedding is exciting for us as we yet have another chance to create a wonderful
masterpiece and of most of all, make you happy! We've created this guide to assist you in each step of the way.

If you have more questions that are not found here, please feel free to email us!


                                                                                                  B E N J O  H I L A R I O , C E O


C O M P A N Y   H I S T O R Y

The company was officially born in May 2013, but our experience in wedding filmmaking dates back in 2010.  

Since then we have been exposed to different cultures and got to understand the variety of weddings.
The company is composed of 16 artists, each having specific roles
that make sure your wedding films are finely done.

In days that we don't have shoot, we spend our time traveling, explore new culture, meet new people,
find good restaurants, experiment on new recipes, watch movies, and find inspiration in the internet.


W H E R E  A R E  Y O U  G U Y S  B A S E D ?

We're based both in Manila and Iloilo, and hopefully Cebu soon!


O U R  S T Y L E  O F  S H O O T I N G

Elegance and genuiness, two words that best describe our craft. We make sure the video looks classy but
at the same time features genuiness – documenting every aspect, every emotion, every drama, to the
best that we can on the wedding day. We believe that this style is timeless, and not pretentious.
We don't make cheesy videos and make you act like actors in movies – and this is for sure. The main goal
of our output is the story, and how to beautifully interpret it through films.

We always consider composition and lighting.

That's why when we're brought to new places with breathtaking sceneries; it usually reciprocates in the videos.

We do minimal directing on wedding days except on pre-wedding sessions. And it is our priority that you
look good on videos - so don't worry about that. If you don't like something, do let us know what makes

you comfortable.


O U R  S T Y L E  O F  E D I T I N G

Our editing is the special recipe that most wedding video companies in the world don't know. We edit
from our heart, and we feel every second of the film to make sure that when it’s all done, it comes out as
a beautiful masterpiece. Most of our couples trust us with the choice of songs in all the videos we make.
This allows us to assess the music that suits the whole feel of your video. We make use of every important

moment captured, and stitch it together with beautiful vows and speeches.
Your wedding day is like our stage, and we love to perform behind the lens.


U N D E R S T A N D I N G  Y O U R  P A C K A G E  I N C L U S I O N S

(if applicable)

A I R F A R E  A N D  A C C O M M O D A T I O N

Different wedding locations require different travel costs.

For convenience, we usually offer clients to search for airline tickets, accommodation,

and transfers so as to save clients from stress. Except for unforeseen
events, we always arrive early on your wedding day and take care of all transportation unless it is in exclusive locations.


 C A M E R A  S E T U P

Our team utilizes Sony Cameras.

Your wedding is recorded in FULL HD so it would look good

from simple mobile phones to large screen televisions. Our shooting workflow
usually makes use of cameras to capture different angles and moments of the wedding.


W E D D I N G  D A Y  C O V E R A G E

We shoot your start shooting your big day 5-6 hours before your actual ceremony so we can film your
preparation and all other details. We stay and document the whole event until your reception ends.

Unlike others - we don't have time limits.

P R E  W E D D I N G  S E S S I O N

Pre-wedding session (such as out-of-the-country weddings) is a 4-6 hours shooting session 1 or 2 days
before or after the wedding day. Clips taken from this session shall be added to the same-day-edit or
wedding highlights. No pre-wedding video or trailer is produced from this session.


P R E  W E D D I N G  V I D E O  S H O O T

Pre-wedding video shoot is a 1-day shooting session done weeks or months before the actual wedding
day. It is a different add-on from the actual wedding package. The couple reserves the date months
before to block the date for the team. The concept is discussed prior to the actual wedding shoot. It
would be much easier for both parties if the couple has a specific concept in mind for the shoot. Weather,
permits, and restrictions must be taken consideration. Makeup Artists or Stylists are highly
recommended during this shoot sessions as it plays a major factor for the appearance of the couple in
the video. For the wardrobe, we always recommend couples use plain colored clothes rather than floral or
printed ones. Earth colors are highly encouraged. For the groom, the usual outfit includes jeans/black
slacks, with white polo shirt or longsleeve. For the bride, we appreciate if you could provide white or light

colored flowy dresses. We usually have the hair down and have a light make up.

S A M E  D A Y  E D I T  ( S D E )

Same-day edit is the video shown during reception usually before or after the couple's thank you speech
as it needs more time to refine the output for viewing. For morning weddings and reception programs
that end before 8pm, we are not able to produce an SDE video because of time constraints. For a video to
be refined, it has to be shown atleast 4 hours after the end of the ceremony. Client must inform the team
if the wedding schedule falls in the morning or reception that ends earlier than 8pm.

The SDE Video only includes the events before the entrance or first dance of the couple. A dedicated
editor starts editing the video from preparations until it is shown on the reception. The team does not
provide LCD projector and audio cables as it is the responsibility of the reception/hotel management.
Most of the time, we copy the video in a USB to play in a laptop, or at times, use our Macbook Pro to play
the SDE. Quality of the video projection may vary depending on the brand or settings of the projector. A
lights-off and an official announcement is encouraged to further enhance the viewing experience.


M I N I  M O V I E  ( W E D D I N G  H I G H L I G H T S )

Wedding Highlights is the video that's refined and shows all important events of the wedding including
the receptions speeches. It takes 1-2 weeks for the video to be done depending on circumstances such as
consecutive weddings or out-of-town travels. Everything is worth the wait as we make sure that the video

is perfect as it is beautiful.


C L E A N  C U T  D O C U M E N T A R Y

The Clean Cut Documentary is the clean edit of your wedding. We remove the shaky and unwanted shots, put-in
some music, and stitch everything together. We usually divide them into preparations, ceremony, and
reception. It is great for a private family and friends viewing so as to relive the fun and happy moments of
the day. Running time is 1-3 hours depending on the content of the wedding. It takes less than 2 months
to finish as it has to queue with all other projects, and editors have to spend days to weeks to refine the
video. However, during busy months like December, it takes 3 months or less to finish the output as there
are a lot of weddings on this season.

V I D E O  T R A N S F E R S

If the videos are already done, we usually post them in Dropbox and email the link to the clients.

E L E M E N T S  O F  A  G R E A T  W E D D I N G  V I D E O

You might have seen some of our work posted on our portfolio. Different weddings produce a different
approach to the film. That is because the final output of the wedding film mostly depends on the

preparation and effort made by the clients for their wedding.

O T H E R  F A C T O R S  I N C L U D E  :



Things that are happening during your wedding day dictate the content of the video - the mood, the
surprises, performances, the rituals, fireworks, balloons, and the unexpected moments. We document
everything that happens during the day - so the more the content, the greater the output of the video

would be.


V O W S   A N D   S P E E C H E S

Vows and speeches are the heart and soul of every beautiful wedding video. We encourage you to make
your own personal vows if the church or minister permits. We are also always excited to hear speeches of

your love stories, different versions, from your family and friends.



We are always hands down to beautiful locations. It continues to excite us as filmmakers. A good choice of
preparation, ceremony, and reception is always highly recommended. A large preparation room for both
the bride and groom allows the team to move freely and take more creative shots. Meanwhile, a small
room with lots of family members or friends involved restricts the movement and creativity of the
shooters. On the ceremony and ceremony area, more details means more content. Restrictions by the

venue affects the movement and shooting of the team.


G R E A T  S C H E D U L E

An organized schedule makes everybody rest easy and enjoy the wedding day. It relieves the couple, their
families, and suppliers from stress and just concentrate on the beauty of the moment. We highly
recommend couples to get professional and highly recommended wedding planners to do all these. A well
planned schedule allows the shooters to get the shots needed and capture moments in a timely manner.
Delays or sudden changes in schedules may affect the team’s shooting flow, causing them to miss some

needed shots.


T H E   W E D D I N G   D A Y   F L O W




We arrive 5-6 hours before your wedding ceremony, except for unforseen events. We shoot
environmental shots (cityscape, hotel view, and beautiful architectures and designs) first. Then we take
shots bridal details (the gown, shoes, invitations, boquet, and the rings). Then we go on to shoot the
moments and preparations that are happening inside the bridal room. After makeup, if time and bride
permits, we take glamour shots of the bride within the room for a few sequences. 3 hours before the
ceremony, we shoot the preparations of the groom together with the photographers so it won't be
stressful. We encourage the couple to inform the photographer not to start shooting the preparations
especially when no videographer is around. Right after shooting the groom, we go back to shoot the bride
wearing her gown (waiting for the video team before zip-up would be highly appreciated). We then take
glamour shots of the bride in her gown. Then the team prepares to move to the ceremony.



Lunch and dinner meals will highly be appreciated as our creative engines would need fuel to
operate. Couples can assign the planner or any family member to take care of the meals of the




During ceremony, we usually take positions to capture different angles of the event especially on the
entourage and wedding rituals. Any unique ritual or part of the program must be endorsed to the team
prior to the wedding so to make sure that our team captures every moment. Restrictions in the church or

ceremony area may affect the shooting flow and the final output of the team.


P O S T  W E D D I N G

Right after the ceremony, it would be of great help for the video if the couple would alot 15-30 minutes of
their time for post-wedding shoot, as these clips will be added to the video. Locations are discussed by the

photographers and videographers and then presented to the couple.



During reception, the team again takes positions to capture diffrent angles of the event. From the
cocktails, to the reception details, to couple's entrance, to speeches, and after party dance, the team is
present to document every moment. And before leaving the event, we always have a picture taken with

the couple for memory sake.

U S U A L   C O N C E R N S



We use professional audio transmitters and recording devices, but sometimes churches and hotels don't
allow us to plug in their mixers. What we do is always have plan B's, such as attaching lapel microphones
to the groom or sometimes in speakers. Some mixers and speakers do have problems but we do our best

to record the best audio possible.


U N C O O P E R A T I V E   S U P P L I E R S

Suppliers mostly influence the flow of the wedding day. Planners, they say, make or break a wedding.
Either it would turn a success or a disaster. A well-coordinated wedding always makes it easy for the
couple, their guests, and suppliers. Makeup artists and other suppliers who delay the time may also affect
the flow of the wedding. Photographers also who don't give way on shooting sessions or block shots of
the videographers may also affect the output of the video. Nevertheless, we do our best to always

overcome these obstacles.


B A C K I N G  U P  O F  F I L E S

The team utilizes Terabytes and portable hard disks to store files of the client. However, it is the client's
responsibility to archive the files as the team cleans up the hard disk every year to give way to the files of

other clients.


N O T A B L E  C H A N G E S

Clients must inform the team of any changes especially on time, dates and venues of the wedding and

pre-wedding day.


W E D D I N G  D A Y  S C H E D U L E

It is important for the client or planner to send us an email of the wedding day schedule exactly a week
before the wedding. This gives the team the right information during the wedding day (time of

preparation, name of hotel, time of ceremony, etc)


R E A C H I N G  U S

We check our emails almost every hour so rest assured that we would get back to you if you have any
concerns. Our locations limit us from using our local numbers but our emails certainly are always


P R E  W E D D I N G  C O N C E R N S  - (Camille)
P O S T  W E D D I N G  C O N C E R N S  - (Quisa)

C   L   I   E   N   T     G   U   I   D   E

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